Wednesday 16th January 2019, 09:30 – 17:30 (registration 09:00), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Tutor: Dr. Pete Barbrook-Johnson, UKRI Innovation Fellow and Research Fellow (University of Surrey)

Course Details:

This course is part of the CECAN Module for policy analysts and evaluators. The syllabus was developed to enhance skills nationally and internationally in the evaluation of complex policy and programmes.

Agent-based modelling is a computational simulation method for understanding complex systems. An agent-based model is a computer model simulating the interrelationships and interactions of components of a system over time. These models are particularly good at modelling the heterogeneity and interaction of a population, tackling emergence and feedback loops and dealing with non-linear relationships. The course will cover aspects of model purpose and design, the use of data for model calibration and validation, and consider how to interpret and communicate modelling results in the social sciences and policy research. Attendees will also get a chance to build a simple model themselves.

Intended Audience: Policy analysts, commissioners of evaluation, professional evaluators, social science postgraduate students and researchers.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this session, students will have gained:

  • An understanding of the basics of agent-based modelling;
  • An understanding of how agent-based modelling can be used to model of complex adaptive systems;
  • An understanding of how agent-based modelling can be used in policy analysis and evaluation.

Tutor Biography:

Pete is a UKRI Innovation Fellow and Research Fellow based at the University of Surrey and hosted by CECAN. He has over 8 years’ experience developing agent-based models, and uses a range of modelling and research methods in his applied research with government and industry, including agent-based modelling, participatory systems mapping, and qualitative and quantitative social research methods. His main research interests are located at the cross-roads of environmental policy, public health, social and behavioural science, and complexity science.

How to book – Reserve your place by registering and paying via the University of Surrey Online Shop.

Cost – £375 (Government / Commercial Sector) / £275 (Staff at Education / Charitable Institutions) / £175 (All Students).

Please click here for details of ESRC bursaries for training.

Prices per person inclusive of lunch, refreshments and training materials.