An Introduction to Influence Mapping in Evaluation: Methods, Practice and Use-Cases

Tuesday 29th June, 09:30 – 17:00, Live Online Training (via Zoom)

Due to popular demand, we are running our Introduction to Influence Mapping course again for 2021:

Tutor: Stuart Astill

Course Details:

This 1-day course introduces participants to influence mapping, within the context of evaluation or as a general introduction.

Following this course, we are aiming to provide further workshops, which will provide an in-depth look at the different elements of theory and practice of the approach and how they are implemented.

The course is built around the OLCA approach (Outcome Likelihood and Causal Analysis) developed by Stuart Astill and Simon Henderson (see their website).

The material introduces participants to an innovative set of tools:

  • Structured influence mapping of expert beliefs about the causal relationships that underpin a programme strategy, and
  • Innovative quantitative analysis to compile this evidence to provide insight.

This ‘mapping plus analytics’ offers new possibilities for detailed interrogation to enhance evaluative work and other evidence/learning and decision processes.

Intended Audience:

Innovative evaluators, evaluation thought leaders, methods experts in evaluation, experienced professional evaluators, those applying flexible and adaptive programming, social science postgraduate students.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session, participants will:

  • Know what influence mapping and subsequent analysis consists of;
  • Appreciate some use cases and be able to assess their own cases as to whether influence mapping is an appropriate approach;
  • Appreciate the benefits of this approach and how it can enhance their work;
  • Have an understanding of the skills, tools and resources required to use the approach.

Tutor Biography:

Stuart Astill has over 25 years of experience working at the heart of analytical, strategic, policy and operational thinking in Government. This has taken place in a variety of settings working with public officials, private-sector, third-sector and academic experts, elected representatives and ministers. His qualitative and quantitative skills span performance analysis, statistical, economic and operational research functions across a breadth of experience identifying and tackling emerging high-profile issues, carrying out impact assessments and establishing innovative projects.

Stuart’s skills have been applied to create insights improving decision making, operational efficiency and VfM. He has worked with, or within, international governments/NGOs, UK government and the European Commission. He has also worked on a wide range of consultancy projects with private sector and third-sector clients in the UK and around the world.

As well as his practitioner and academic work Stuart is an experienced speaker, trainer and coach on technical subjects, personal development and management/leadership skills.

Visit for more information about the approaches that Stuart is working on with Simon Henderson.

Course Fees:

Government / Commercial Sector: £200, Staff at Education / Charitable Institutions: £165, All Students: £130

How to Book:

Reserve your place by registering and paying via our the CECAN Ltd Eventbrite page. Payment can be made by credit/debit card. If you wish to pay by invoice, simply select ‘pay by invoice’ under payment method on the registration page and provide your billing details and we will raise an invoice for you.

If you have any questions, please contact CECAN Ltd by emailing

CECAN Ltd is the commercial arm of the ESRC funded Centre for Evaluating Complexity across the Nexus (CECAN). It offers access to innovative policy evaluation approaches and methods to support decision makers.